Chapter 3 of real life story - It is about Scores

Chapter 1 :
Chapter 2 :
Sorry for making you all wait for the 3rd chapter
Chapter 3 of real life story - It is about Scores
The next day I met her again in the Pantry as usual. I don’t know what is it with the pantry timings.
We almost always match that every time. May be we both liked to have tea at around 10:30 am everyday. Whatever it was there was some chemistry which is still a mystery for me. But the game of chess I had to play with my friend, excepting his moves and countering it was not the thing I was really concerned about. Because somewhere I knew we were just kidding each other although things got ugly at times, but the way she reacted when she was alone and when she was with her friends was totally different. When she was alone she usually shied away ,hardly looked into my eyes and whenever she did she shattered all my will to even stand there. But she was a total different person when she was with her friends. It felt like they were playing games of whom I am looking at. It felt like “The more boys look at her, more beautiful she was”. And somehow I didn’t liked it. I didn’t wanted to be a part of increasing somebodies beauty score. I wanted her to like me irrespective if it increase her beauty score or not. So I started to drift away from her. My brain and heart had an internal war. Heart as usual saying its just to show her friends that you were only interested in her and not anyone else. And brain like every time refuting to every word that my heart was saying.
This went long for few days and at that point I did not knew to side my brain or my heart.

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